Patrick van der Meer has been hired by the Dutch Equestrian Federation (KNHS) as Dutch Dressage team captain working alongside team trainer Alex van Silfhout towards to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
The KNHS announced that Van der Meer will take up his post as of 1 January 2023. Van Silfhout contracts ends after the Olympics.
Team Captain - Team Trainer
"We want to do everything possible to realise our top 3 ambition," said Iris Boelhouwer, the technical director of the Dutch Equestrian Federation. "The role of a team trainer has changed enormously in the last few years and we develop with it. Alex knows like no other what it needs to look like in the arena and will be able to focus more on the technical side of the sport. He's the best in that field and has proven at the competitions to be dotting the i's and crossing the t's and is a great added value next to the home coaches."
Boelhouwer continued, "the modern team trainer is nowadays much more a manager than a trainer. Patrick van der Meer has much experience in that field and has a clear vision."
Patrick van der Meer
2021 CDI Grote Brogel
After Uzzo he competed Zippo, Chagal D&R, Chinook, Sephora, and Hollywood at international Grand Prix level. He is also sportive director of the CHIO Rotterdam.
Contribute to the Positive Flow of Dutch Dressage Sport
Van der Meer and Van Silfhout will be jointly responsible together with Boelhouwer for the Dutch team selection for the 2024 Olympics.
Dutch journalist Jacob Melissen after disappointing results at
the 2023 European Championships in Riesenbeck
After years of being podium place-getters and medallists the Dutch team have dropped to a fifth team place at the 2022 World Championships and 2023 European Championships. The Netherlands is the second biggest country for the breeding of dressage horses in the world after Germany.
Sharing the Job
Van Silfhout states to be pleased with the new division of roles.
trial in Kronenberg before Riesenbeck
Photos © Astrid Appels
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