Villeneuve, Laura Strobel's international small tour ride and 2018 WCYH silver medal winner, has been sold to a German junior rider. The horse will continue its sport career with Eve Catherine Bartels.
Villeneuve is a Rhinelander stallion by Vitalis out of Dörte Dancing (by Dancier x Worldly x Akatschi). He is bred by Edeltraud Hähn.
Licensed Stallion
Villeneuve was the 2014 Westfalian reserve licensing champion and acquired by Sissy Max-Theurer at the auction for 270,000 euro.
He became the top scorer at the 14-day Stallion performance testings in May 2016, he was the high scoring stallion at the first 2017 German Stallion Sport Test held in Munich in March 2017.
With a career more focused on sport, Villeneuve did not breed much. He has one licensed son in Germany (Volltreffer) and sired one state premium daughter. Seven of his offspring are registered for sport in Germany, the most successful one being Gabriele Kippert's Villepetit, shown at L-level by Dorothee Schneider's assistant Hannah Rother.
Laura Strobel and Dorothee Schneider
The ride on the chestnut was allocated to Dorothee Schneider's assistant rider Laura Strobel.
In August 2021 Strobel was hired as an assistant rider at Sissy Max-Theurer's stallion station and brood farm Gestut Vorwerk and got reunited with Villeneuve. They returned to the international arena in 2023, winning the Prix St Georges at the Aachen Festival 4 Dressage, followed by a streak of four wins in Munich and Achleiten.
Eve Catherine Bartels
The chestnut stallion has now been sold to 15-year old German junior rider Eve Catherine Bartels.
In 2023 she moved to junior level and campaigned at the CDI's in Troisdorf and Aachen Indoor. They finished 19th in the second round of the 2023 German Junior Riders Championships.
Villeneuve has now relocated to Hofgut Rosenau in Dreieich, where Bartels trains with Anna Nolte alongside Scholten.
Photos © Astrid Appels - Sina Kuiper
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