Diana Al Shaer Retires Unazalee de Massa, to Focus on Development of Dressage in the Middle East

Wed, 07/03/2024 - 16:24
Diana al Shaer and Unazalee de Massa at the 2023 CDIO Compiegne :: Photo © Astrid Appels

Diana Al Shaer will be putting her high performance sport career on the back burner for a while after her dream of being the first female Palestinian in dressage sport at the 2024 Olympic Games did not materialise. 

Al Shaer and her 16-year old Portuguese sport horse Unazalee de Massa remained short of the Minimum Eligibility Requirement for 2024 Olympics despite her attempts at achieving the required scores across Europe.

While her competitive journey with her mare of 10 years has come to an end, Diana will stay involved with dressage sport as one of the leading figures in the development of the discipline in the Middle East.

Olympic Dream

The 37-year old Al Shaer obtained an individual slot for Palestine in Group F (Africa / Middle East) by being the second highest ranked rider in Group F on the FEI Olympic Ranking in 2023. 

At the 2024 Aachen Festival 4 Dressage
Had she made it to Paris Diana would have been a female pioneer for Palestinian equestrian sport after German born Christian Brühe-Zimmermann paved the way for Palestine at the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Diana is the sole Palestinian dressage rider competing at international Grand Prix level at the moment. 

“Unfortunately, there will be no Olympics for me and Unazalee this year. Some things are not meant to happen," Diana stated. "It was an honour to obtain the individual slot for Palestine, but after the break and different circumstances, we couldn’t show our best form this year."

An Exciting Journey

Diana's journey in the high performance dressage arena started in 2009 aboard Lanciero (by Lancer II x Johanniter). Coached by Jan Bemelmans, she competed the Rhinelander for six years at CDI's across Europe to gain experience and mileage. 

Unazalee (by Rubin Cortes x Maestro JGB) joined her ranks as a youngster and she showed her first internationally as a 6-year old in 2014. They hit Grand Prix level in 2018. Diana switched to coach Anne van Olst and achieved a career highlight when they flew the flag of Palestine at the 2022 World Championships in Herning. Good results achieved in 2023 unlocked the Olympic slot, but it was not meant to be. 

With Lanciero at the 2013 CDI Hagen
Diana looks back with gratitude on her exciting journey as an athlete, fuelled by her love for horses.

"We had incredible support during this journey and so much love that it was definitely worth it," she said. "I am very grateful to all the people who were by our side and am wishing all my friends and our National Olympic team a lot of success in Paris. It would mean a lot to me to represent Palestine this year, but God has other plans, and only time will show 'why' and 'for what'."

Unazalee Retired

Diana has decided to retire Unazalee, aka Lea, from top sport. 

"I am grateful to my Unazalee for all the beautiful moments we had and all the beautiful venues she brought me to, including the World Championship in Herning and CHIO Aachen," said Diana. "She will stay in light training and enjoy the fields."

At the 2023 CDIO Aachen - Thank You Lea
She added, "I had Unazalee de Massa since she was 4 years old and what counts the most for me is the connection we built up together. I really love her and am extremely grateful that she gave me a chance to experience so many beautiful moments together. Unazalee is 16 years old, and we could keep on going, but I really want her to enjoy her retirement at her top form, and who knows, maybe she can give birth to a beautiful foal in the future. She gave me her best, and I think it’s also important to give her the best I can to make her happy.""

Diana Taking a Step Back

Al Shaer also decided to take a break from sport and explore differents ways for her equestrian journey to continue. 

"Horses bring us on a beautiful journey, and what a way it was. It’s definitely an emotional moment, but I am extremely grateful to my Lea and all the people who were by our side all this time," she stated.

It's a bye bye for now from Diana and Unazalee
Horses are still her fuel and while her competition career might move to the back burner, her commitment to the sport has not.  As the responsible for dressage in the technical committee of FEI Regional Group 7 she is invested in the development of dressage in the Middle East..

"I will focus on developing dressage projects in the Middle East together with our FEI regional group and the FEI Solidarity department," she explained. "We have the first dressage regional project this year, FEI World Dressage Challenges, and educational events. I am excited to see more countries and more riders from our region join dressage. I will also follow up on my responsibility as Chair of a regional group 5 in the Asian Equestrian Federation."

Educational Role

Diana will not be hanging up her breeches though. She will continue to ride, but more in the role of educator.

representing Palestine at the 2022 World
Championships in Herning
"I don't have an upcoming horse to continue my sports career, but I will stay in the saddle and continue teaching and giving clinics," she said. "I will also dedicate time to my media project of cultural diplomacy and continue working with Palestinian NGOs, as I do believe it’s a minimum I can do for my country during this hard time. Time will show in which way my equestrian journey will continue."

Photos © Astrid Appels  

Related Links
Middle East and North African Riders Unite to Develop Dressage in FEI Regional Group 7
Desert Centaurs, the Dressage Boom in the Middle East
MD Horse Agency, Diana Al Shaer's Platform to Inspire and Connect Horse Lovers World Wide
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