Vinicius VS, Top Seller of the 2024 Westfalian OnLive Foal Auction

Thu, 08/08/2024 - 09:15
Westfalian Auction News
Vinicius VS (by Viva Vitalis x Secret) :: Photo © Recki

 Vinicius VS became the price highlight of yet another Westfalian foal auction, this time in hybrid form during the Westfalian young horse championships on 3 August 2024.

A collection of no less than 103 foals was on offer and 83% of them found a new owner.  The average price for a horse foal was 11,158 euro; for a pony foal it was 7,857 euro.

The top seller was  Vinicius VS (by Viva Vitalis x Secret), bred by Volker Schmale-Steinkmap. He sold for 58,000 euro to a local bidder 

Valentino KR (by V-Power x Feinrich), bred by Karl-Gerd Kohnert, sold for 40,000 euro. 

One In A Million (by Opoque x De Niro) fetched 32,000 euro, while Tainted Love (by Total Hope x Zack) found a new owner in Poland for 30,000 euro.

Valentino KR
Glamourdale Jr (by Glamourdale x Furstenball) went for 28,000 euro, an American bought Very Nice Girl K (by Vaderland x For Romance) for 26,000 euro and Bon Jovi (by Be My Dancer x Don Nobless) for 12,000 euro. Fraulein Philippa (by Feliciano x Belissimo M) sold for 25,000 euro. 

An Austrian bought Frederik S von der (by For Romance x Scolari) for 14,000 euro.

A Portuguese buyer went on a shopping spree. They got Dynamic Queen (by Dynamic Dream x Sezuan) for 21,500 euro, V-Magic (by V-Power x Furstenball)  for 14,000 euro,  Graf von der Steinegge (by Glamourdale x Vitalis) for 12,500 euro, Eliza (by Erste Sahne x Quaterback) for 9,500 euro.

Tainted Love
A Swiss bought San Sebastian (by San to Alati x Escolar) for 13,500 euro and Finess (by Fanegro x Escamillo) for 5,500 euro. Best Destiny (by Bon Esprit x Franziskus) goes to the U.K. for 7,500 euro.

A Polish client got Sir Henry (by Sebastino PS x Furstenball) for 10,500 euro and Diamond 4 You (by Diamantenglanz x Bordeaux) for 8,500 euro. Diamond Lady WF (by Diamantenglanz x Dancier) goes to Finland for 6,000 euro. Easy on the Eyes (by Escaneno x Sir Heinrich) found a new home in Italy for 6,500 euro.

The most expensive pony foal was Golden Kairos PK (by Gold Garant x Escolar), which sold for 20,000 euro. 

Related Link
From Westphalia into the World: OnLive Foal Auction on 3 August 2024