Horst Gregor Lappe, a prominent figure in the German horse racing world and life partner of Nadine Capellmann, has passed away on 18 December.
He was 61 years old and lost his battle against cancer at a hospital in Aachen.
Born in Velbert, Westfalia, in 1959, Lappe was raised in a family with love for horses. His father, Dr. Horst Lappe was an equine veterinarian. A passionate rider, Lappe was particularly attracted to horse racing.
Initially Lappe run the model agency Java Models, but never lost touch with the racing business.
Lappe was the secretary-general of the Munich Racing Association from 1989 till 1995. He was serving his second term as of 2012. On the board of the Munich Racing Association he worked as wingman to president Dietrich von Boetticher.
Lappe is credited for breathing new life in the Munich race track, opening the venue up for event management alongside racing. He made close contacts between the race track, the Munich Polo Club, Golf club and local gastronomy .
His close connection to Von Boetticher led to Lappe functioning as manager and consultant of the president's race horse brood farm Gestut Ammerland.
Lappe was present at one of the biggest glory moment for Ammerland: their horse Waldgeist won the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe race in Paris-Longchamp.
The funeral took place in a small, private circle in Aachen.
Photo © Barbara Schnell
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