Last chance to sign up, online via zoom or live in Wellington, FL: DTM classes to tackle Skeletal Strength, Ride better immediately after class, avoid and alleviate pain and discomfort. And perhaps even regain lost height due to spinal compression!
These classes will consider the impact on the spine during daily life and time spent in the saddle. The class will give instruction on how to eliminate and avoid spinal compression, pain, and stiffness in our body, and to bring self-carriage and comfort into your riding.
Of special interest: These lessons were originally designed by Feldenkrais practitioner Dr. Ruthy Alon to both avoid and reverse osteoporosis.
1 in 3 Women over 50 Will Experience Osteoporotic Fractures
According to recent statistics from the International Osteoporosis Foundation, worldwide, 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 years will experience osteoporotic fractures in their lifetime. Every fracture is a sign of another impending one. Osteoporosis has no clinical manifestations until there is a fracture.
“Regular medical screening and consultation are certainly advisable, nut there are things we can do to improve bone density,” commented equestrian biomechanics authority Dave Thind.
“To benefit from the bone strengthening while riding, riders can do unmounted lessons to learn how best to deal with concussive force in a way that benefits them. They just need to be coached on the how to do it. Exposure of concussive force to a nonaligned body creates unnecessary mechanical stress which could lead to discomfort, inflammatory response, spinal compression, or even lead to degenerative arthritis or bone density loss. The how to correctly filter concussive forces in a beneficial way is based on science, and not opinion. I can’t stress enough the importance of technique,” proclaimed Thind.
Shape Tomorrow's Bone Health
How you ride will today directly shapes tomorrow’s bone health. The human skeleton regenerates every 7-10 years. It forms and grows to its adult size in a process called modelling and then in an ever-present effort towards adapting, it completely regenerates. This is known as remodeling. Clearly, not only are we what we eat, but our skeletal system is similar - depending on the amount of correct bone-building impulses it is fed.
"If we're going to be riding and introducing concussive force through the skeleton anyway, it would be such a shame to miss out on these easy tools which help us excel in our riding and provide an avenue for improved health. It is about Equilibrium through balance of opposing forces," stated Dave Thind.
Be More Confident in the Saddle
“Not only can falling become even more dangerous, the added risk is often enough to cause riders to lose confidence, or worse, to lose their passion to ride," said Dave. "This is why I am proud to share this upcoming course, both online for the whole world, and in person in Wellington, FL, so that more people can benefit. The course improves bone density, but also suppleness and self-carriage in the saddle, so a win win situation where we get immediate results plus long-lasting ones.”
Thind is passionate about the issue of alleviating pain and discomfort and bringing riders to their optimal form when riding. The uniqueness of this program is based on Dr. Ruthy Alon's Feldenkrais Bones for Life®. The main tool is its use of weight-bearing patterns to teach safe transmission of force through the skeleton, without causing "shearing stress" in vulnerable joints.
Through the simple, effective movement classes, you will learn gradually and safely how to:
- Stimulate your bone strength and experience the biological optimism of a reliable skeleton
- Coordinate a springy and dynamic walk
- Align your posture into safe weight-bearing uprightness
- Develop your skill of restoring equilibrium
- Enhance the pleasure of moving
Sign Up for Zoom Classes - or Live Sessions in Wellington, FL
To register for the online zoom class - To register for the live class in Wellington
Note, the live classes and zoom classes are separate, and not on the same dates.
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